Published on18. März 2021

Villiger educations

Interview with Ali Asadi and Mohebi Rohollah:


1.    How did you find out about the Villiger company?

      Ali = The municipality asked me 2 years ago if I would like to do a 2-week work assignment at the company Villiger AG. The result was an apprenticeship.

      Mohebi = Via a colleague who works for Villiger AG.  


2.    Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship at Villiger?

      Ali = After my 2-year experience at Villiger AG, I was given the opportunity to start an apprenticeship there, which naturally interested me very much.

      Mohebi = I heard about this company and this apprenticeship interested me straight away.


3.    What does a day as an apprentice at Villiger look like?

      Ali = Since 2 weeks I carry out welding work and many smaller orders.

      Mohebi = In the morning, I usually prepare work for a co-worker. In the afternoon I receive instructions for other work.
                     When I'm done, I check in with my supervisor and get more details and work.


4.   How did you improve your German language skills?

      Ali = Through students, colleagues and co-workers. 

      Mohebi = Through the private environment, the contact with the employees in the shop and through the other students of the vocational school.


5.   Who supports you in case of any difficulties at school?

      Ali = My vocational school colleagues.

      Mohebi = Classmates and teachers 


6.    Warum arbeitest Du gerne?

      Ali = I like to be independent. In my work I often work independently.

      Mohebi = I like to integrate and enjoy contact with other employees.


7.    Why do you like going to school?

      Ali = I am motivated to learn something every day and expand my experience.

      Mohebi = I enjoy improving my professional skills.


8.    How do you feel included in the team?

      Ali = I feel welcome and get help if I need it.

      Mohebi = I feel very well received and always receive help with any questions that arise.


9.    How do you feel about being accepted into the school?

      Ali = Also well received. However, it is sometimes difficult to communicate. But it's getting better, I understand more every day.

      Mohebi = Also good.


10. What do you wish for your future?

      Ali = I wish to complete my education with success.

      Mohebi = To gain as much experience and skill as possible in my profession.